Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tropic Thunder Movie Review

I didn’t expect Tropic Thunder would offer one hell of a trip. I expected it to be funny, but not so hilarious like I want to jump up and down in my seat, which I almost did by the way. Unlike other war movies, Tropic Thunder put me on the verge of tears not because my favorite character got his head blown off, but because my head almost got blown off because of laughing so hard. And if Jack Black and Ben Stiller—together in the same movie—are not enough reasons for you to see this movie, take in Robert Downey Jr. And not just the Regular Downey Jr., but Downey Jr. playing black man. And a black soldier at that.

At first the plot sounded simple enough, and I thought I would be subjecting myself to the typical Jack Black character, you know, the doobie-smoking, hight-pitched-dialogue singing, rock music-nut blabbermouth. But he, as well as the other characters, seriously offered more than I expected or hoped for. And the movie got me hooked the moment I sat in my seat and throughout the end.

The plot of the movie is actually about three actors wanting to make, and star in, their own war movie to revive their acting careers. On that premise alone, you know something is bound to go crazy along the way. And what happens to these three friends trumps the kind of crazy in your mind. In the course of their production, they suddenly find themselves caught up in an actual war which makes them go nuts. Their pursuit for survival now not only pertains to their acting careers, but their own lives as their decisions only aggravate their already sorry situation.

The twists and turns of the movie, and its structure of being a frame story kind of reminds you of a Shakespearean comedy with a lot of confused characters running around and making unbelievably stupid decisions. And come on, Robert Downey Jr. as a black soldier, you got to love to see that.

But what makes it better than an actual Shakespearean comedy is the use of absurdly witty dialogue. Shakespeare’s great and all that, but all those old English exchange of lines are a bore sometimes. But imagine the always hyper Jack Black arguing with the ever stupid-looking Ben Stiller about saving their necks. I’ve never seen three actors click together so naturally, until I saw this movie. Everything is so unbelievable, yet believable because of those three. I mean, there came a point in the movie where I actually thought it actually happened to them. Just because they act naturally silly.

And as if the side-splitting exploits of those three weren’t enough, the movie threw in couple more eye candies that are Tom Cruise and Matthew McConaughey. With an all-star cast, a crazily funny plot, and clever dialogue well-blended out in a two-hour flick, I’m sure you’ll be a happier man when you go out of the theater for seeing this movie.

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