Q: What do you think of the short-sleeved, shirt-and-tie combination? I work for a multinational corporation and I see co-workers wearing this. I'm a little iffy about it, but I sometimes think it's unavoidable because of the hot weather. Any advice on this?
A: Wearing a short-sleeved shirt with a tie projects a certain attitude or demeanor. To complete the impression that I assume you're trying to make, get a crewcut, take five or six cheap pens, a pocket protector, then stuff them all into the breast pocket of your shirt. Now put on a pair of thick black plastic framed glasses, and you're ready to go to any of the following: the National Geek Convention, a 50's retro costume party, or your local Mormon Church.
Note that if you choose to go to the third, it would be best if you could follow around some similarly dressed guy. If you've had a chance to drive by a Mormon temple while some of them happen to be walking around, you'll notice that there's always one or two redneck-looking, short-sleeves-wearing white Mormon dudes. I suspect they're not here to evangelize but to recruit servants. So back to answer your question. Do not even wear a tie with a short-sleeved button up.
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