The rainy season brings woe to some of us. Ailments like cough, cold, and diseases like diarrhea and leptospirosis are common during the rainy season. How does one fight them?
For diarrhea, hygenic practices especially hand washing when preparing food is essential. We have to keep our surroundings clean, e.g. proper waste disposal to prevent flies from breeding in these places. Use of clean water (boiled or bottled water) for consumption is equally important. For leptospirosis, persons with open wounds, especially in the lower extremities, should avoid bathing or wading in floodwaters. Protective clothing like use of boots and gloves should be worn to reduce occupational exposure. It is also important to remember that if any of above-mentioned symptons are observed, the person should be brought to the nearest health center or hospital at the soonest possible time.
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